Dear traveler,
in this page I will try to introduce myself, the man behind Tourist4Tourist.
My name is Alian Schiavoncini and I live in Rimini (Italy), a city on the Adriatic coast. I am a web consultant and I like to dedicate my spare time to one of my favorite hobbies: traveling.
Frequently I exchange information and travel tips with my friends and colleagues.
Now and then I found on the Internet plenty of useful information for my travels and many times I came across websites offering last-minute deals without any information, suggestions or pictures of the places I was supposed to visit.
If I really wanted to get what I needed, I had to go to a bookshop and buy a travel guide.
It’s very likely that you look on the Internet for travels tips and helpful information and maybe you are checking out Tourist4Tourist because you are planning your next trip.
This is why I decided to open a website where tourists and travelers can share their experience with people around the globe. The Tourist4Tourist was born on February 2004.
Tourist4Tourist’s main goal is to build a community of tourists and travelers who contribute actively to writing guides full of information, tips and useful suggestions, which are other users can read for free. That is: tourist 4 tourist.